Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Area 51: Truth or Fake? by Chris Mock

Image result for Bob Lazar
Area 51 truth or fake …
For decades now, Area 51 has been among the many popular topics under conspiracy theories. It is said to have been a confinement for extra-terrestrial life and inhumanly flying objects such as UFO’s. Bob Lazar said to have seen these alien like ships. If so what do they look like, where to they originate from? Why is the government trying to cover this up?
  1. Is what Bob Lazar is saying actually the truth?
  2. If there isn’t alien ships or even aliens themselves at this facility why does the government keep it so well protected?
  3. There have been multiple crash sites why have we never seen the actual ships.

  Bob Lazar is proven to be an intellectual man. However, he has also been called a liar by many government officials. For example, “For those who believe Bob Lazar, is his evidence supporting his claims is considerable. Lazar comes across as a very credible individual with a solid background in physics, electrical engineering, and propulsion systems. He is able to provide a great amount of detail in describing of his employment, the base, his co-workers, and the alien craft itself that would be difficult to fabricate’(The Bob Lazar Story). If he is so credible in all those backgrounds, why do average citizens think he is a liar? Because the government covered it up. Right here proves it: “ Lazar claimed he had worked at the Los Almos National Laboratories, but no record was of his employment there was found”(1).Another reason why people think this, is because in his background there is nothing to back up what he says.
When people hear Bob Lazar’s name they think he is a liar who just want to get famous of  this sequence of events. For example, David L. Morgan quotes “These statements by Lazar are total nonsense” However, David and many other people are wrong. The reporters have interviewed Bob many times, and they still do not know the true story, even though Bob has never changed his story. For example, “Mr. Lazar on many occasions demonstrates an obvious lack of understanding of current physical theories” (Conclusions). Interviewers always talk bad about him because he is hard to read. It truly upsets them that they cannot crack the code behind it all. Bob lazar an intelligent man who if he is telling the truth about seeing Unidentified flying Object (UFOS) it would be amazing. Although he could be a liar as the government officials claim him to be.

Is what Bob Lazar saying actually the truth? The things that Bob Lazar says to some sounds like made up blasphemy, although to others sounds like the truth. How can we go back and found out the real meaning? We can only give our best guess because, only Bob Lazar and the other select few that worked at Area 51 really know what is happening in that facility.  We gain great information just by watching interviews and examining his actions and what he is saying. For example, “He was a physicist. Which, I am a physicist. We kind of recognize each other, you know it’s the classic pocket condom with all of the proper different colored pens, so he fit that mold. If nobody would have told me, one look, he is a physicist. You know, he is properly dressed in geekdom, Krangle told Corbell” (You Are Being Redirected). This is coming from a former worker showing that Bob was there.
Bob Lazar is telling the truth . Right here proves it, “Not only did he look the part, but Krangle says he attended security meetings with Lazar. He explained that in these meetings ‘they give you the usual briefing asking you not to talk about that you are doing or seeing’” (You Are Being Redirected).This proves that Bob was actually at Area 51. There is extra-terrestrial life and unidentified flying objects (UFOS) out there. It’s just the fact that many people have never physically seen these so called objects or life forms. This is a great reason why not everyone is on board.
If there isn’t alien ships or even aliens themselves at this facility why does the government keep it so well protected? There is something at Area 51 that is top secret and that is a fact. For example, “for the first time acknowledge the existence of Area 51. Hundreds of pages describe the genesis of the Nevada site that was home to the government's spy plane program for decades” (The Atlantic). However, “Area 51 has had many uses in military history aside from the development of new aircraft and weapons systems”(“Area 51 Fact”). There is a great chance it could not be even be extra-terrestrial life or even unidentified flying objects (UFOS). However, we don’t know that for a fact.
Although, we can’t truly find out unless we were in the inside, and the people inside of Area 51 are probably sworn in oath not to say anything. However, we know a big reason why it is so well protected they are working on ships and weaponry. For example, “The center of Area 51 features a large airfield and the intended purpose for the base is to test and develop experimental weapons and aircraft for use by the United States military”(“Area 51 Facts”). Hopefully to use it for the greater good and not for just killing. The government has always done secret things behind our back that we should know about, but we don’t. The government thinks it’s better if we didn’t know some of these the things. There have always been people in the government that truly don’t work for the government. They are the inside man. For example, “The National Security Agency’s domestic spying is a form of corruption in itself, and lends itself to corruption. With 4 million government employees highly unlikely that various forms of insider trading and other corrupt practices are not being committed” (The top 10 ways the U.S government is the most corrupt in the world). This right here proves that not everyone in the U.S government is truly with us. This should be terrifying to people, and they wonder why the government hides so much. If Area 51 wasn’t so well protected all the other countries would know what we have and probably try to mimic it. This is a great reason why Area 51 is so well protected, and it should stay that way.
There have been multiple crash sites, but why have we never seen the actual ships? In 1947 in New Mexico in a small town by the name of Roswell, a crash was supposedly sited. However, “Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved with the original incident. He believed the military had covered up the recovery on an alien spacecraft. Additional witnesses and reports emerged over the following years” (“The top 10 real UFO crash sites”). There have been reports of alien aircrafts, although there is no true evidence because the government covers it up. For example, “They added significant new details, including claims of a large military operation dedicated to recovering alien craft and aliens themselves at as many as 11 crash sites as well as alleged witness intimidation”(1).
The government has always been bullies even from the 1940’s, and it is not right. They should treat the people with proper manners not “alleged witness intimidation”. This just proves that they are trying to cover something up. Another example of covering up these sites, “He told how he spotted a large object descending into the waters of the harbor with bright lights.
A military operation to recover the aircraft failed to find any conclusive remains though conspiracy theories maintain that they saw divers emerging from the water with UFO debris” (“The top 10 real UFO crash sites). Why be so secret about things when you know people have already seen the items you are trying to cover up so secretly? That just proves that our government has always been secretive towards its own people.
Is Bob Lazar telling the truth? Yes, although people will argue that there is not enough evidence to back that statement.  If there has been so many crash sites why have we never seen any? Because the government is covering it up. There is top secret work going down at Area 51. Why don’t we know more about it? Because the government thinks it’s better if the people didn’t know.
    Throughout this paper we have explored the conspiracies surrounding Area 51, as well as, Bob Lazars part in it. These theories all had proof supporting them, but the most believable theory is that the base is used for building military weaponry. Bob Lazar worked at Area 51 and when he was fired he came out to the world. He began the conspiracy theory that Unidentified flying objects (UFO) exist and the government is harboring them in that base. The conspiracy theories that we know now are because of Bob Lazar. In the end, we still do not know if UFOs exist or what the government is really hiding.

 Image result for Bob Lazar

Work cited
"Area 51 Facts and Conspiracy Theories | Exploring Lifes   Mysteries."   Exploring Lifes Mysteries. N.p., 02 Oct. 2014. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.  
Conclusions." Lazar Critique. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.
@Elmysteries. “Area 51 Facts and Conspiracy Theories | Exploring Lifes Mysteries.” Exploring Lifes Mysteries, 2 Oct. 2014,
The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.
“The Bob Lazar Story.” - UFO Evidence,
"The Top 10 Real UFO Crash Sites." Strange Unexplained Mysteries RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.
"Top 10 Ways the US Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World." Informed Comment.    N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.

"You Are Being Redirected..." You Are Being Redirected... N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov 2016.

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